coach signature handbag for real

For those of you with current designer handbag trends on your mind, the bags offered by Gucci, Coach, Christian Dior and Prada will definitely satisfy that desire.
Most people realize Gucci is one of the most steadfast, established companies in the world. His styles are eclectic, high-class and bold. They range from sleek, trim lines and monochromatic designs to the understated and classic. His bags carry the gold toned Gucci logo on each and every one. Gucci has several styles for women from all walks of life. Several of his bags have hand stitching, adding to their individualistic design. Coach is a widely recognized American label.
Coach bags are modern, fashionable, and stylish. They are designed in mixed materials such as sequins with leather trim, poppy flower prints with leather trim, crystals, metallic detailing and appliqu? s. Straw with python trimmed piping is another unique style. Coach’s hobo, alligator, sateen and linen designs also add to their fashionable line. They carry their own style of Hobo and Messenger bags as well. Their exotic bags detail metal beads and snakeskin and crocodile designs. Some bags have bamboo handles and some have built-in mirrors.
Christian Dior, the third of the most popular designers, is nothing to be ignored. This designers bags burst onto the scene in the 40’s and 50’s. His bags are a form of art transformed into an accessory. He was literally the owner of an art gallery in 1928. His designs grow and develop to fit into the modern day niche of class, luxury and taste. If you are a celebrity/royal watcher, you will know that Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Windsor were just two of the world-famous women who owned Dior’s fashionable bags, found in shops and boutiques around the world.
Prada has been known around the world for years but since the movie, “The Devil Wears Prada” with Meryl Streep it seems to have broken wide open. Even if you didn’t have a clue what a Designer Bag was before the movie, I bet now you do! The Prada Bag will fit your style whether it’s casual or extremely elegant.
The one thing you can do to pull your look together is choose the right handbag. That’s why it’s so important not to neglect this particular item when considering what you will wear today. For a lot of women it’s an afterthought when it should be a top consideration.
Each designer mentioned here has their own style, targeted to different audiences. Gucci is aimed towards those that are individualistic. Coach gears their line to the young, stylish, “in-your-face” type crowd. Dior lends itself to those affluent, classic, refined individuals. Of course, those who refuse to be boxed in by stereotypical guidelines can choose any or all of these designers to add to their personal wardrobes. With a discerning eye and a mindset towards elegance, every woman can find the handbag of her dreams!