6 Areas You Should Be Tracking To Ensure Your Internet Marketing Success

Sometimes working on your Internet marketing business can seem like throwing spaghetti against a wall to see what sticks. In order to see what sticks you have to track your results to determine what is working so you can build on that success.

You?ve no doubt heard that you should be testing and tracking your Internet marketing campaigns, but you may be confused about exactly what you should be tracking.

Here are seven areas that you need to be tracking in order to ensure the effectiveness of your Internet marketing business.

1.Track your traffic sources

Your traffic sources are the lifeblood of your business. When you track your traffic sources you know exactly where you need to focus the majority of your resources for building more traffic.

You can not only see what is working best but how you can better tailor your offering to your traffic sources.

For example, you can see if you are getting the vast majority of your traffic from some forum marketing that you did and consider investing in a banner ad on that forum.

2.Track your keywords

You?ll be getting a lot of traffic from different keywords, but it?s important to see which keywords exactly are sending you the most traffic.

If you notice a spike from a particular keyword or set of keywords then you can build more content around those keyword terms to encourage more traffic.

3.Track your headline variations

You should be tweaking and testing the conversion rate of your headline on your sales page.

Use a split testing program to try to create a headline that converts more of your visitors and keeps more of them on your page.

If you can improve your conversion rates by just 1% you can see a huge increase in your profits from the same amount of traffic.

4.Track your bounce rate

Your bounce rate is the length of time that visitors are spending on your page.

If your bounce rate is unusually high, then there is something wrong with your page that is driving visitors away quickly.

It could be an unappealing design or a headline that fails to motivate your audience. By improving your bounce rate you can insure that more people are seeing your offer.

5.Your e-mail marketing subject lines

When you send an e-mail out to your list your subject lines are the first exposure that they have to your message.

If your subject lines aren?t appealing, they won?t be very likely to click to open your e-mail to see your offer. You can use the split testing feature on your autoresponder program to test various subject lines to increase your open rates.

6.Track your landing page design

Many analytics program will allow you to see a ?heat map? of your landing page to see where the majority of your visitors are spending their time looking.

By taking a look at this heat map you can see if there are any areas of your page which are getting more attention and you can make sure that the conversion areas of your page are getting the attention they need.

Get Effective Business Solution With Online Survey Software!

In the present time, the Internet is the best place to contact your target customers. To this result, online 360 survey software companies are a great solution for business companies. They enable you with the ability to build market studies and receive feedback quickly and everything in original software.

It is not essential that all survey software companies will suit your specific requirements. The online survey software companies provide data collection, survey creators, and many parallel features. Survey creation is crucial because it affects what respondents experience during their investigation and decides failure levels. If you collect the data, then you most probably require presenting the results, and thus the reporting abilities of the survey software are also important. With all of these available features, you can choose any one of them to make your decision. This choice depends on you and your business requirements.

One simple method to make a decision, which may prove most efficient for determining the usefulness of survey software to your business, is to place more consequence on the data analysis capacity of the different software companies. To get favorable results from your survey, you require more than just percentages and numbers. You need the higher data analysis. Higher data scrutiny includes using multi-level crosstabs to get product feedback.

There is so much perspective for survey software companies to supply real business solutions. It is imperative for you and your organization to share the features in each business that will best suit your requirements.

Online survey software can help you to completely understand your present and future market conditions using analysis to single clear action points that feed into a marketing strategy. The software companies have the probability to become the useful market research tools for your business. By capturing the customer response, you can make sure that you minimize customer agitation to build good relations with the customers.

You can evaluate survey data to speed-up a new product development process also and get a response from your target market on product pricing, product features, and new concepts. By collecting opinion on advertising concepts, you can improve existing marketing strategies and modify future ones. The 360 survey software even enables you to perform multilingual analysis to obtain feedback from your customers across the world.

Every business is looking for practical methods to maximize their profits, customer’s satisfaction, and keep their employees satisfy. Online survey software is the efficient way to provide your business with practical tools and solutions to achieve these goals. It is important for you to search for eye-catching study inventors to optimize respondent knowledge and improve your opportunities of getting more feedbacks. The survey software provides the most solutions and advantages for your business company. Many survey software companies offer these types of efficient data evaluation tools.

Joe Surveys is an professional writer who support every organization to enhance their business. I have several years of experience in the field of management. So, using 180º and 360 survey software platform can provide several benefits to the business.

20 Simple Social Media Tips that Every Business Must Follow

Social media marketing is has become vital to the success of a business online. Every business, however large or small, can benefit by investing in social media marketing. It is a great way to connect with users, boost your reputation, improve your online influence and ultimately acquire new customers.

Successful social media marketing requires active participation which can take up a lot of valuable time and resources. It is hence important to get it right and follow the right strategy.

No two businesses are alike. The same social media technique that works for one business may not necessarily work for another. However, there are some common principles and techniques that can work for any business. In this article we take a look at the top common social media techniques that can help any business, however large or small.

Here are 20 social media marketing tips that every business must follow.

  1. Be Short and Concise

This will make it easier to attract the attention of others and potentially drive more engagement.

  1. Remain on Topic

It is very easy to get carried away on social media. Businesses should always stay professional and focused on their niche and avoid going off topic.

  1. Encourage Others to Share Your Content

Delivering your own content on social media is only half the battle. Success on social to a large extend depends on your ability to motivate others to share your content. First and foremost, make it easy for users to share your website content. Consider offering incentives e.g. reveal a special offer when users like your Facebook Page or tweet your page.

  1. Be Polite and Use a Professional Tone At All Times

Avoid negativity and don’t attack users. It is also important to be sensitive and not to make light of tragedies.

  1. Use Custom Branded Profiles

Custom branded social media profiles is an effective and inexpensive way to reinforce your company’s branding and create brand recognition. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn – all allow you to customize the look and feel of your page by uploading cover photo, profile icon, choosing a custom URL, and more.

  1. Don’t Spam

Following on from our point about frequency, it is very important not to fill your user’s newsfeeds with too many messages, or bombard them with low value information.

  1. Keep a Check On Your Posting Frequency

Although posting frequently is recommended, bombarding users with information can annoy users and result in loss of followers.

It is also important to note that posting tips for Facebook may be different to posting tips on Twitter . E.g. posting multiple times a day on Twitter is perfectly normal and can help you acquire followers quickly.

On the contrary, take the example of Facebook below, where studies show that posting more than once a day can have a negative effect on following (Facebook Likes).

  1. Share Information From Several Sources

Some businesses make the mistake of only delivering content from their own website and blog. The main aim should always be to add value for your followers and this cannot be achieved if you are limited to sharing your content only.

  1. Respond Timely

Respond timely not only to direct responses but also to all comments, brand mentions or hashtag references.

  1. Schedule Your Posts at Optimal Times

Posting at certain times of the day produces better results than others. It is important to know what works best for your business and post at these times. You can take advantage of built-in scheduling facility of social media posting tools.

  1. Share a Variety of Content Types

Some types of content get more attention and are popular among users e.g. images, videos, or infographics. Take advantage of these popular content types to increase your reach and get more exposure for your business.

  1. Spread Your Posts

It is generally recommended to post at least 5 to 7 times per week in order to expand your network fast. For best results, spread your posts out on different times or days of the week rather than post all on one day and staying inactive for the rest of the week.

  1. Be Consistent

Consistent approach helps to you build your following and makes you more credible and influential e.g. sharing posts at similar times or days.

  1. Avoid Self Promotion and Don’t Oversell

Although driving sales is one of the ultimate objectives for most marketing methods, social media is an exception. In the face sales messages are generally frowned upon on social media and can damage your reputation and can easily lead to loss in followers. Try to share information that genuinely adds value for your users. It is OK to post the occasional product promotions but try to limit them to less than 10% of your total posts.s

  1. Share All New Content You Produce

It is generally a good practice to share your content on all your social media profiles whenever you publish something online. This can be anything from a new page on your website, new blog post, a video on You Tube or a podcast.

  1. Use a Good Third-Party Dashboard Such as HootSuite or Buffer

Free tools such as HootSuite of Buffer can save you a lot of time and boost your efficiency. Such tools enable you to post to all social networks at once, automatically schedule your posts, measure performance, and much more.

  1. Automate Part of Your Social Media Marketing

A part of your social media marketing can be easily automated without affecting quality. The perfect example is to connect your blog to your social profiles so new posts are automatically shared. You can use free tools like Twitterfeed to do this.

  1. Connect With Influential Users In Your Niche

The ability to use Social media to connect with other market experts and influential users within the niche can be easily overlooked by many businesses.  Building and fostering relationships with influential users will increase your own online influence whilst providing  opportunities for future partnerships and collaborations.

  1. Engage Actively With Users e.g. follow, ReTweet, Like, Share and Comment on Posts

I have come across many businesses that use all their time on posting and do not devote sufficient time to engage with users. Following users in return, sharing their content, commenting on their posts are some ways to do this. This will get you noticed and help form better relationships with your audience.

  1. Use Several Social Media Sites For Maximum Reach

For maximum exposure, businesses should use several social networks and not limit themselves to just Facebook and Twitter. Google Plus, Pinterest are equally important. Sites like Tumblr and MySpace can also prove beneficial as they tend to target slightly different demographics, thereby improving your reach.

What About You?Do you market your business using social media? What strategy do you use? Are you taking advantage of the simple techniques above? Please share your response by leaving a comment below?

Author K.Singh is the Director of Website Design Agency based in London and the Editor-in-Chief of Internet Marketing & Web design Blog.

Five Common Objections that Affects Consumer Buying Decisions

Regardless of the buying situation or product involved, you can develop objections by thinking about basic buying decisions. If you were to try to list all the objections of a customer could have, you would probably find that they fell into certain categories. Most would be based on key decisions the customer must make before buying-decisions about need, product, source, price, and time. You can use those same categories as a starting point for an objection analysis sheet.

Here are the five common objections and an example on each type to help you understand clearly each objection:

  1. Need. Objections related to need usually occur when the customer has a conflict between wanting something and not truly needing it. The comment such as “I really like this sweater, but it doesn’t match anything I have” is an objection based on a conflict between a need and a want.
  1. Product. Objections based on the product itself are more common, they include concerns about such things as construction, quality, size, appearance, or style — “I’m not sure if this dress style is appropriate for work” is an example of such an objection.
  1. Source. Objections based on the source often occur because of negative past experiences with the firm or brand. A buyer might say, “The last time I dealt with your digital printing firm, my order was three weeks late. How can I be sure these print postcards will arrive on time?”
  1. Price. Objections based on price are more common with high quality, expensive merchandise.  You might hear statements like, “that’s more than I wanted to spend.”
  1. Time. Objections based on time reveal a hesitation to buy immediately. These objections are sometimes excuses. At other times, however, customers have a real reason for not wanting to make a purchase on the spot. A customer might say, “I’m not in a position to make that type of purchase now. I won’t be ready for the next two months.”

Once you begin selling, you will probably hear all sorts of objections. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should note them for future reference and study how to answer those objections and letting those target customers buy your products and services.